Previous seasonal advice - December
January - the traditional time for New Years resolutions. This year forget the usual ones of giving up chocolate and going to the gym. Who wants to give up chocolate? Join me and resolve to turn your compost regularly and empty your bin more often. If I manage to keep this one up then my soil will benefit enormously. I usually have three bins on the go which works quite well until I get lazy and stop turning the last one out. This is a good time to spread your compost onto the soil and as long as the ground is not frozen winter digging can also be done now.
If it snows then it's a good idea to brush the snow off heavily laden conifers so the weight doesn't disfigure them. We can expect some gale force winds this month. (there's optimism for you!) Check newly planted shrubs and trees are adequately protected and refirm them back in if they are lifted by the wind or a frost. If any of your deciduous shrubs are in the wrong place then you should be able to safely move them now.
Wisterias need their winter pruning this month. Trim back all shoots to within three buds of the main stem. This will encourage the formation of flower buds and give you a fantastic display this year.
If you left some stems for winter effect keep an eye on them and remove when they look too tatty. Take wet rotting leaves away from the crowns of plants. Alpines particularly will require winter protection. They don't mind the cold but easily rot in our wet weather. Taps and pots will need protection over winter. February is often the coldest month so wrap them up now.
Perennials can still be divided when the soil is workable. if you are on clay like me then you probably missed the one week of the year when the soil was workable but fingers crossed for the soil to be not too sticky or baked hard and then go for it!